Highly Sensitive Mamas Therapy Group

Fridays from 2:00-3:30 pm beginning February 2, 2024

Online - For Residents of California only!


Are you a deeply feeling or Highly Sensitive mom looking to connect with others with similar experiences?

Join other HSP and empathic mamas for a safe & supportive online therapy group, facilitated by Amy Lajiness, LCSW. With dual certifications in Highly Sensitive People and Perinatal Mental Health, Amy offers a wealth of personal and professional expertise to fellow HSP parents. A therapy group is different from a support group in that it offers a bit more structure and depth, and also is “closed,” meaning that you’ll meet and build trust with the same small group of 4-8 women over time. Additionally, you’ll benefit from Amy’s mental health expertise and gentle guidance of the group.:

This group might be for you if:

  • You identify as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

  • You struggle with some of the sensory aspects of parenthood - clutter, loud noises, whining, etc.

  • Your empathy and deep emotional processing can be a gift, but can also be draining and leave you feeling depleted and not yourself

  • You feel a lot of pressure to be a perfect parent, and feel lots of guilt when you don’t live up to society’s (or your own) expectations

  • You are wanting to reconnect with your identity - body and mind - outside of being a mom

We’ll gather online for 90 minutes per session over the course of 8 weeks. Each session will center on a topic relevant to HSP parents, and offer both practical information and plenty of time for sharing and being listened to. Topics for the groups will include:

  • Understanding and Honoring your Sensitive Nature

  • Reducing Overstimulation and Overwhelm

  • Navigating Familial & Societal Expectations

  • Emotional/Mental Beliefs & Self-Talk

  • Parenting and Partner Relationship Stress

  • Improving your Support Network

  • Realistic Self-Care Strategies

  • Your Strengths & Goals

This group is open to deeply feeling and sensitive moms of all ages & stages, but will likely be best suited to those with younger children (ages 0-6). Our 90 minute sessions will be loosely structured as follows:

  • Check-ins/group community building (15 minutes)

  • Mini-presentation on topic of the week with interactive therapy skill building (30 minutes)

  • Solo journaling/reflection on prompt or activity (15 minutes)

  • Group discussion and sharing (20 minutes)

  • Closing with meditation or other practice (10 minutes)

Your investment for this therapy group is $40 per session, for a total upfront cost of $320 for all eight sessions. It is okay to miss one or two sessions, but you’ll be required to pay the full amount to hold your spot in the group. Payment plans available upon request!

Questions? Ready to Register? Email me directly at amy@innernaturetherapy to connect or confirm your spot!