
Re-connect with your inner nature

Nature provides a sense of comfort, awe, and connection that enhances healing and growth. Research demonstrates what most people already feel - nature is calming, boosts our mood, and reduces stress. Even if you’re not a “nature person,” taking sessions outdoors can provide an opportunity for moving your body and experiencing therapy outside of an office or online setting.

Many people find that utilizing Ecotherapy as a stand-alone or alongside office-based therapy assists in discovering new avenues for self-discovery and healing. If you have ever felt a sense of peace, joy, or connection when outdoors, Ecotherapy may resonate with you.

During the session, we may draw on the following:


Sensory Awareness


Engagement with “spontaneous nature events”

Contact with nature/living beings as an emotional resource

Gentle to moderate physical movement

Traditional talk therapy modalities (CBT, DBT, etc.)

If you still have questions about Ecotherapy and how I work with Ecotherapy clients, please check out for podcasts, news articles, and interviews I have participated in.

Ecotherapy is “designed to bring a person more closely in touch with the natural world around them and by doing so more in touch with themselves in the present moment. In this very real sense it is not an escape from anything, rather a return to being more at home in the world.”
— Andy McGeeney, "With Nature in Mind"

Recommended Reads

Washington Post Article: “How a focus on nature is changing therapy for kids” by Gina Rich

CNN Article: “Therapists, patients embrace outdoor therapy in Covid-19 pandemic

Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv

The Nature Fix by Florence Williams

Vitamin N by Richard Louv

Your Brain on Nature by Dr. Eva M. Selhub and Dr. Alan C. Logan